Books by Kamlesh Chauhan Gauri
Kamlesh's books offer a captivating journey into the realms of imagination and knowledge. With a diverse range of genres, including fiction, non-fiction, and self-help, Kamlesh's literary works cater to a broad audience. These literary gems are easily accessible, as they can be conveniently purchased on popular online platforms such as Amazon and Booksamillion. For those seeking an enriching reading experience, Kamlesh's books stand as a testament to her literary prowess and are just a click away from being a part of your personal library.
Across The Seven Seas
The novel tells us very poignantly the story of Sundari, an educated, intelligent, sensitive lady who has imbibed Indian cultural values to the grass roots and struggles in vain to live them in her life. The story begins with the growing up of a girl into a woman; her craving for love that proves to be a mirage for her as the story moves on. A saying goes that ‘The drowning man catches at a straw’. It fully applies to Sundari for every firm catch of her turns out to be a straw and she consistently suffers. The initial blow came when she was married off to the uncle of her lover who had a heart of pure gold. The uncle on the other hand is all guilt through and through. Life of Sundari starts going down the hill as all her hopes and dreams are belied despite her best efforts to make her married life a success and life turns into a mockery. The tragedy becomes all the more painful when her lover Akash again makes an entry into her cursed life. She is forced to ride two horses which she can hardly manage, to function as an ideal housewife and an ardent lover. The author introduces a few moments of transitory but suspenseful relief during which too the reader trembles and is afraid of the next blow that Sundari is bound to receive and he starts sharing the miserable life of Sundari with numerous disastrous compromises in the same way as Sanjay shares the pain of Dhritrashra in the Mahabharta.
Deception of Seven Sacred Vows
This Novel Shows some true to life accounts of how Rita women who grew up in India had to cope with being uprooted from India after getting married to live in America with her new husband where she has to deal with a drastic cultural change, abusive in-laws-, raising her children who were born in the States and eventually raising her children by herself. Early on, her journey she has to deal with this almost no support from the family, which was made worse because of her husband’s beating. Rita is torn between the dictates of traditional Indian culture and Society, the call of the flesh, and the desire to have a better life in the USA despite having to observe traditional Indian customs. Rita shows a naivete still wanting to have her family intact even if the reality is as she might one day end up dead from her beating from her husband’s beatings. This Novel Also Shows how her children growing up from a family with domestic violence end up being deeply affected even by the adult years. This Novel Predicts The Sentiments of women who seek acceptance in society, hunger for love and respect both in professional and domestic violence life. One needs to read this Novel. This Novel can be good for television as a serial both in Hollywood and Bollywood.
Across the Seven Seas: Saat Samundar Paar
The novel tells us very poignantly the story of Sundari, an educated, intelligent, sensitive lady who has imbibed Indian cultural values to the grass roots and struggles in vain to live them in her life. The story begins with the growing up of a girl into a woman; her craving for love that proves to be a mirage for her as the story moves on. A saying goes that The drowning man catches at a straw. It fully applies to Sundari for every firm catch of her turns out to be a straw and she consistently suffers. The initial blow came when she was married off to the uncle of her lover who had a heart of pure gold. The uncle on the other hand is all guilt through and through. Life of Sundari starts going down the hill as all her hopes and dreams are belied despite her best efforts to make her married life a success and life turns into a mockery. The tragedy becomes all the more painful when her lover Akash again makes an entry into her cursed life. She is forced to ride two horses which she can hardly manage, to function as an ideal housewife and an ardent lover. The author introduces a few moments of transitory but suspenseful relief during which too the reader trembles and is afraid of the next blow that Sundari is bound to receive and he starts sharing the miserable life of Sundari with numerous disastrous compromises in the same way as Sanjay shares the pain of Dhritrashra in the Mahabharta.
Seven Stairways – Part 1
Seven Stairways is based on a story of an incomplete past, seven births, and love, which has a tragic end. It’s a very mystical novel based on the concept of reincarnation and intense romance. The soul is immortal. Soul does not age as the physical body decays. This novel is centered on the karmic journey of the soul and joining one soul to another. Seven Stairways brings the prominence of seven births of the soul and how the soul has free will to be with whoever the soul wants after completing her karma in the seven cycles of birth. This novel deals with many social issues of royal families of India. It discusses how the caste system been manipulated by the world for their own selfish motives. Rajeshwari is the misunderstood main character of this novel, who is torn between her past birth’s love and her love for her present husband. This novel always depicts the beauty, customs, and rituals of India. Seven Stairways actually portrays the lifestyles of the immigrants in the east and west.Seven Stairways – Part 2
Despite being happily married for forty years, Rajeshwari still feels unsettled, enduring a storm that is raging in her heart mysteriously. She is never without the shadow of her childhood sweetheart Rochak, who seems to be reaching out for her beyond the realms of the living. In this spellbinding conclusion to the romantic saga, we follow Rajeshwari on her journey once again, as she tries to come to peace, and go back to the place where it all started.Saat Janam Ke Baad 1, हिंदी संस्करण
कमलेश चौहान ‘गौरी ‘ जी का उपन्यास ‘सात जनम के बाद ‘ – जैसा कि नाम से ही ध्वनित हो रहा है पूर्वजन्म के सिद्धांत को लेकर लिखा गया हो | लेकिन इस उपनास में पूर्वजन्म की बात बस केवल एक पात्रा की है और वह भी उपन्यास की नायिका नहीं कही जा सकती | उपन्यास जातीय बंधनों को नकारता हुए अपनी बात कहता है तथा स्त्रियों की आजादी की बातें और दहेज प्रथा जैसी कुरीतियों पर कुठाराघात करता है | और ,यह सब कुछ आजादी के बाद के राजस्थानी रजवाडों की पृष्ठभूमि में प्रेम कथानकों के रेशमी ताने – बाने में अत्यंत ही सफलता से निरुपित किया गया है |Saat Janam Ke Baad 1, हिंदी संस्करण
पुनर्जन्म की सच्ची घटनाओं पर आधारित लोकप्रिय उपन्यास “सात जनम के बाद” का दूसरा भाग